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02 October 2008
LDR? Long Distance Relationshit, woopps,, relationship...
noone chooses to be in LDR, often times chooses you. Bisa ada kemungkinan, kalo lo lagi liburan ato jalan-jalan iseng, trus lo ketemu "the one" yg gak pernah lo sangka. And when cupid's arrow hits, there's no turning around. kayak gw *curhat colongan dikit*. hahahha,,


1. Communicate in some way evey day
Komunikasi salah satu yg penting. Kalo bisa berkomunikasi sesering mungkin. Karena walaupun secara fisik gak barengan, setidaknya harus ada hubungan emosi. hehhee.. Gak perlu ngomongin yg berbobot banget, cukup bercerita tentang kehidupan sehari-hari aja. Banyak cara kok buat komunikasi, using instant messenger or maybe webcam, so that you dont forget hows your bf/gf's face. hahaha.. or maybe by phone or sms, email, or else.. you'll find a way for communicate.

2. Do things together, defy the distance
Kalo komunikasi udah lancar & sering, lakuin aja sesuatu secara bersama-sama gak perlu mikirin jarak. Kalo dilihat, orang-orang yang pacarannya deket aja mungkin jarang ngobrol, tapi mereka sebisa mungkin melakukan sesuatu secara bersama-sama. Kenapa itu gak di terapin dalam LDR? misalnya nonton movie barengan, lo disini dy disana. hahahaa.. ato playing online games? thats fun!!

3. Take advantage of the benefits
Salah satu keuntungan dari LDR adalah, lo jadi punya banyak waktu buat keluarga bahkan teman-teman. Tanpa harus kebagi waktunya buat pacar. Atau juga lo bisa tetap keep your options open, wide open maybe.. hehehe..
Enjoy your single life, even you not single anymore. hahaha..

4. Pursue common interest
It's good if both of you have the same interest, you can share that. Misalnya kalo sama-sama suka nonton film, abis masing-masing nonton film kan bisa langsung diobrolin. Ato kalo sama-sama suka baca buku, bisa share buku apa yg bagus, ato musik? you both can talk about that.

5. Avoid the temptation to be controlling
Don't ever try to controll your beloved one!!! People have free will and no one can or should control another person. Selama kalian berdua saling tertarik dan sayang, that relationship will survive. Let her/him free, as long they know they limitation. This relationship will be fine.

6. Talk about your future together
Lets we talk about assumption. Hehhee.. Coba aja asumsiin kalo kalian berdua bakal live together forever, dibicarain apa yg bakal kalian lakuin kalo itu terjadi, itu bisa jadi obrolan yg menyenangkan karena kalian pasti bakal berusaha bertahan demi mewujudkan hal-hal yg menyenangkan kalo kalian bisa bersama-sama terus. *halah*

7. Avoid jealousy and be trusting
Nah!! This is the hardest part of long distance. You shud 100% trust on your bf/gf. When you choose in long distance, you shud have thinking that everybody is innocent and worth of trust, until proven otherwise. BUT, even you already find something like your bf/gf pic's with other with somewhat pose, or you found that he/she lied, but they dont admit that, they keep denying. You dont have choice, you shud trust them. Hahhaha.. Tired rite? Don't fall in the trap to interrogate your partner every time he/she decides to go out for a drink with people you haven't met or he/she didn't get back to you right away when you called and left a message. Just because you are in a LDR, your lives won't pause. Your partner will naturally have a social life where he/she lives and so should you. Sure it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too. You should both maintain your social activity and be happy with yourselves. Enjoy your lives people!! Cuek aja walopun lo tau diboongiiinn, kan bisa kalian boongin balikk, revenge baby!! hahhaaa.. *thats not good, dont ever do that*

8. Be positive
Staying positive of your LDR. Jangan mikirin yang negatif terus dari LDR, jauh dari pacar kan bukan berarti dunia lo hancur cuma rada menderita dikit. Hyahahaha.. Yah, intinya si positif aja ama hubungan lo, just let it flow honey..

9. Remember : Things will get better
Hahahah.. ini mesti diinget banget. Semua bakal lebih baik dengan sejalannya waktu, your relationship will get better too. The point is HAVE HOPE!!! even you know there's no hope..

10. Know when to say goodbye
Yep, this is the hardest part. When communication becomes one-sided or sparse for too long and for no apparent reason, when arguments become too frequent, when the whole thing just seems like more trouble than it's worth, it's time to re-evaluate the relationship.
Ketika suatu hubungan sudah mulai menyebalkan, bikin stress pokoknya not fun anymore. Kalian mesti bisa ambil keputusan, bubar atau lanjut terus. You shud remember of healthy relationship, no matter you both far or close. But if you choose to break up, let her/him to go. Maybe this is not your time to be together. At least both of you tried and you know that he/she loved you..

that's all tips how to survive on long distance..
you better try that.. Lucky if thats works!! hyahahaha..

tapi honestly, gw gak bisa.. hahahaa..
thats too hard..
lah, ngaco gw.. fokuus!!!

gudlak people!!!

Source : WikiHow + MySelf


posted by I.St - sYa @ 1:15 PM  
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