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03 October 2008
"So don't ask me no questions and I won't tell you no lies" --Lynyrd Skynyrd

Alasan kenapa gw memposting ini adalah, karena gw ketemu ama orang yang pengen boong ama gw tapi gak bagus boongnya. Karena ketauan ama gw semua keboongannyaa!!! hihihi.. i know what you did... Jadiiiiiii, gw bakal mengajari orang itu dan orang-orang lainnya untuk berbohong secara PROFESIONAL!!! hahahaa.. *evillaugh*

here's the steps :

1. Decide if what you are lying about is worth the effort and the potential consequences. Sebelum boong sebaiknya dipikirin dulu, akibat dari keboongan yang bakal dilakuin. Even it's a personal decision, you need to be realistic with yourself. Remember this, "are you willing to risk damaging relationships, reputation, and future opportunities and do the benefits of telling the lie outweigh the risks?".

2. If you know you're going to have to lie, think of some specific true thing (place, person, event, story) that your lie will fit into and use those details if you are questioned. Yep, lo mesti mikirin banget semua yang bakalan lo boongin, boong lo itu mesti di matchingin ama hal2 yang nyata, jadi lo gak bakal bingung dan sibuk mikirin ketika lo boong. The more things you have to lie about to support your original lie, the more likely you are to be tripped up. Lying is a bit like chess--you must always think ahead. Anticipate what the person you're lying to is going to ask, and be prepared with a response.

3. Force yourself to believe your lie is truth. This will make you naturally act as if you were telling the truth. The trick is convincing your sub-conscious mind that you're telling the truth. Hahaha.. Hal ini berguna banget karena sikap lo gak akan mencurigakan, dan bisa membuat orang yang lo boongin itu percaya!!

4. NEVER use big words or speak in a way you are not used to. Jangan lebay kalo mo boong, misalnyaaaaa : kalo pacar lo menemukan foto lo ama wanita/pria lain dengan pose mesra menjijikan bikin eneg *curcooll,, hahha*, lo ditanya dan lo bingung lo jawab apa? Jangan lo jawab itu sahabat gw, orangnya lalallalala.. HELLO???!! Too much information!!

5. Slide the lie into a casual conversation. It's better to lie to the person in advance than have him/her question you later on the same topic.

6. Look the person you are lying to in the eye. Don't look around. Don't touch your head with your hand, or hold your palms up. Jangan saltiiiinnggg!!!, act normal. Ini berlaku kalo lo ngomong face to face. Tapi, kalo via YM? hehehe.. go ahead baby.. because the person that you lie on cudnt see you rite? terusin ajaaa.. Ketik apapun yang lo mau, gak perlu takut bakal ketauan. KECUALI, orang yang lo boongin itu ternyata diem2 telah menemukan bukti!! Keboongan lo bakal hancur semua!!

7. Practice lying in front a mirror or video camera. Observe your facial expressions. Try making your eyes go big and letting your mouth hang open a little for an innocent/shocked look. Ini kalo bener2 mo niat banget berboong, the point is ACTING!!!

8. Make a truthful admission. If you sense that someone else suspects you of lying, admit to something small or untrue. They will take the bait and think that that is all you were lying about.

9. Follow through. Never forget about your lie, and treat it like it actually happened. Jangan sampe lupa kalo lo udah boong, soalnya bahaya kalo sampe suatu saat lo lupa ama apa yg lo boongin dan lo keceplosan!! hahahaa.. Dont know what happen next..

10. Lying is much easier if you have a neutral reputation towards whoever you're lying to. Yep, lebih gampang boong ama orang gak terlalu kenal ama lo. Soalnya mereka tetap akan mendengarkan cerita lo dan akan percaya. Tapi kalo lo boong ama orang yang lo kenal? hahaha.. Inget, sometimes people know you better than yourself.

11. Think about what questions the victim of your lie will ask when you next see them. Pas udah melakukan kebohongan, jangan keburu seneng dulu kalo orang yang udah diboongin itu percaya. Remember, one day they maybe gonna asking you again about that!! Siap2!!!

12. Make a lie that cannot be linked with anything anybody can relate to or look up. For example: Your bf/gf just found your pic with "someone" and you tell to your bf/gf that "someone" is just your friend, but the real is that "someone" is your other bf/gf (yes, you are cheated!!!). You shud make sure that "someone" can be coorperated with you. Tell to him/her to dont put your pics with them on online social community, such as friendster , multiply or facebook. Because everybody can see that. It's scary if your 1st bf/gf found that you are lying!! HAHAHAHHA!!!

13. If possible, combine your lie with the truth. Ho oh, kalo mungkin si, dikombinasiin aja boong lo ama kenyataan. Kayak misalnya, lo jalan ama selingkuhan lo plus teman2nya. Lo bilang ama pacar lo, lo jalan ama teman2 lo.. lo gak boong kan? Emang kenyataannya lo jalan ama teman2 lo? hehehe..

14. Insult the other side. If people ask you about a lie, they expect you to be defensive, so naturally you should go on the offensive. Ho oh, DONT BE DEFENSIVE!!! Jangan defensive duluan, karena biasanya yang defensive itu yang mencurigakan..

15. Do not try to distract the other person. It is very obvious when someone is trying to change the subject. Hahahhaa.. jangan buru2 ganti topik pembicaraan, soalnya pasti ketauan kalo lo nervous dalam percakapan itu.

Next to Part 2!!!

Source : WikiHow + Myself

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posted by I.St - sYa @ 7:38 PM  
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