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03 October 2008
Hoehheheheohohehhe.. Ini part terakhir.. hahaha.. *kepotong ama postingan tentot* huh!!
Kalo kali ini isinya cuma warning aja si, peringatan gak boleh boong dalam beberapa kondisi dan akibat dari keboongan itu. Yah intinya, konsekuensi kalo qta berboong..

Here's the warning :

1. Never lie under these circumstances:
  • to officials (government, police, serious job interviews) unless you fully understand and are prepared to accept the results. Jangan maen2 ama oknum2 legal. Hihihih.. terlalu gede konsekuensinyaaaa.. scaryy..
  • to your doctor or lawyer. Ask them if you are speaking in the course of a professional relationship (doctor-patient or attorney-client). Jangan pernah berboong ama dokter tentang riwayat kesehatan lo, ato pun ama pengacara lo, jangan pernah sembunyiin sesuatu.
2. When telling a lie to a loved person take in consideration that sometime in the future you may feel guilty. This feeling may be permanent, and if you ever confess the truth, you may find that it would have been better to never lie in the first place. Dan mesti diinget, gimana perasaan orang yang lo sayangin itu ketika tau lo boong. It's hurt baby.. So much hurt..

3. Lies are sometimes necessary in life but they should be used sparingly. You better have a very good memory if you lie often. You are bound to be found out eventually. Yup, terlalu banyak kebohongan yang lo lakukan, bisa bikin lo lupa apa2 aja hal2 yang udah lo bikin boongnya..

4. Being branded a liar is almost impossible to undo. This is the Consequences. Kalo lo udah dicap pembohong, lo bakal susah ngebalikin nama baik lo. Dan seumur hidup lo bakal hidup ama cap itu, "LIAR".

Huff,, selese juga "how to be profesionally liar" ini. Hehhee.. Semoga orang yang baca bisa belajar dengan baik dan benar. Hahhaa.. Ini blog macam apa, ngajarin yang nggak2. Heheehe.. Yah, sebaiknya jangan berbohong si.. Kasian orang2 yang dibohongin..

Dan mesti diinget, jangan ngebohong ama orang yang lebih jago. Kadal kok di kadalin. Hahahhaa..

"dont play games with bitches who know how to play them better"

*for someone who lied to me, i know that ure lying. So much know that. Ure not good on lying*

Source : WikiHow + Myself

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posted by I.St - sYa @ 9:35 PM  
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Nama: I.St - sYa
Lokasi: Jakarta & Jogja, Java, Indonesia
Tentang Kita: we are extraordinary people!!! this blog just for fun, we both posting WHATEVER WE WANT. NO OFFENSE. hahaha.. ini blog gabungan.. jadi maaf2 kalo rada kacau, karena masih newbie dalam dunia perblog-an.. hihihi..
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